Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 6

Those these first few challenges focus on preparing for goals Jon made it clear that the hustle goes on! I constantly work on increasing the ByJRochelle Facebook page engagement and I started working on ways to specifically double my facebook followers on Day 1. These first few steps will help "refine the method". With that said, today we need to establish the WHERE!

Jon references a study by Peter Gollwitzer from the University of Konstanz, Germany, where researchers asked two groups of students to work on essays over the holiday break.  They instructed one group to write down when and where they would work on the essays. The other group received no instruction. At the end of the experiment, 32 percent of the students who did not make a plan failed. Twice as many who made a plan succeeded.

Jon wants us to specifically decide where to work on this goal. We need to say “My home office in the red chair" not simply "My home”. I'd tell you specifically where I will work, but I don't want to encourage stalkers! So until later!

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

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