Saturday, March 8, 2014

30 Days of Hustle Day 8: See Yourself

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle

Vision time! Even though I'm a creative person, vision boards never really helped me. I get my inspiration from within. Even when I shop. I imagine what I want and then go find it; this is why it takes me so long to shop for anything. I may go to the store and leave with nothing because they didn't sell what I had in my head.

All that to say, vision boards can't inspire me. By the time I find a picture of what I want to see, I will have wasted so much time. For people like me, Jon had this suggestion:

Write that article as if your goal already been realized. Think 100-250 words for length. 

ByJRochelle doubles its Facebook followers in 30 days by Cultivating Relationships!

Through her company, ByJRochelle, she seeks to help others get their message across. Unfortunately not many people knew about her company’s capabilities, so she set out to double her Facebook followers in 30 days, and she did! In addition to working in communication she consistently connects with people through service because she believes that if she can help, the she should help. Consequently she developed a strategy to get the word out about the media services offered through ByJRochelle so that she could help others tell the world about their services. We asked Jeanicia to share her strategy, but she says that her strategy may not work for others so she didn’t want to jade anyone’s perspective leading them to believe that if they do X then Y will happen. What she did say was important is that groups work. Whatever strategy that you decide to implement should involve as many people as possible. These people should be individuals who you plan on cultivating long-lasting relationships with because in the end good business  is all about good relationships.

This article is totally fictional and part of my 30 Day Hustle Assignment but you can help me make it a reality by clicking over to the ByJRochelle Facebook page and liking my company!

Here's my "Vision Board"
ByJRochelle Facebook Page

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of a media production company. 

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