Sunday, March 30, 2014

Are You Listening?

Joel Osteen @ Lakewood Church 

  • There are thousands of radio waves being transmitted right now but we can't hear it because we aren't tuned in.
    • We need to be tuned into God's frequency.
    • God's spirit is living in the inside of me and I need to listen to that still small voice.
  • Proverbs 3:6 NLT
    Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
  • God wants to help me in my everyday life so I should feel sensitive to His voice.
    • If you're going to hear a whisper, then you have to get quiet and close.
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
    • The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
  • Colossians 3:15 NLT
    • And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
  • If you don't have peace before you make the decision then you won't have peace after the decision
  • Job 33:14-15, 17-18 NIV
    • For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it.   In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds,   to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride,   to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword.

Victoria Osteen @ Lakewood Church

  • People will always remember how you make the feel.
  • We all carry an invisible bucket and when it's filled we fill great but when it's empty we get discouraged easily. There's a bucket dipper and a bucket filler. We were created to be bucket fillers. Jesus was the ultimate bucket filler.
  • We need to call out the best in people.
  • Matthew 16:15-18 MSG
    • He pressed them, “And how about you? Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter said, “You’re the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus came back, “God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn’t get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am. And now I’m going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.
  • Deposit into people's buckets even if they are depleting your bucket.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Enjoy The Season That I'm In

Joel @Lakewood Church

  • Many people live So focused on what they want that they take for granted what they have.

    • Philippians 4:11 KJV
      Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

  • You have to learn and choose to be content.
    • We aren't fighting anything because we are trusting in God's timing.
    • Instead of trying to change the situation let the situation mature you.

  • David was a shepherd for years Even though he was already chosen. He bloomed where he was planted.
  • Discontentment follows you around.
    • It's like an alarm that you set on your Cell phone that's in your pocket…you'll walk  around  the house trying to find it when it's in your pocket.
  • 1 Timothy 6:6 KJV: But godliness with contentment is great gain.
    • Farming seasons
    • Blessings come with burdens.

  • Mitch Albion 5 people you meet in heaven
  • Victoria Osteen
  • Standing in line to return something. Line was held up because a lady didn't have proof of purchase so she couldn't return the items...Victoria had her proof of purchase.

Jeanicia Elder:Creative Director

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Random Thoughts on Conversations

I occasionally "office" in public places which subjects me to the public. Quite often. I overhear a few racy conversations and I never know what to do. I sit there thinking, they must know that I can hear everything...why would they talk about this in a public venue? Sometimes, these conversations involve middle school aged children. I volunteer with kids in this age group so I'm always torn wondering if I should say something. I never do...

Monday, March 10, 2014

30 Days of Hustle Day 10: Triggers

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle

Today we identify triggers. I think one of my triggers is something that motivates me: helping others. I'll put my own personal goals aside to help someone else. Jon says to "write them down so you’re not surprised by them".

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of a media production company. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hello, I am Jeniro and I am an App Junkie

I am a self-proclaimed AppJunkie. I love apps; they help me to streamline my life! There's an app for every area of my life from media apps like android prompter, to social responsibility apps like white house, and even health apps! I'm not afraid to try a new app; if it doesn' work out, then all I have to do is delete it. My mobile devices never judge me!

As the title of the blog suggests, I'm always on the go, consequently I love apps that help me to use my time wisely and make wise choices! Whether I'm on the go for business or pleasure, MyFitnessPal and Up are my favorite travel apps! Those two along with fitlinxx help be to make healthier and wiser choices whether I'm home or abroad!

BAND + APP + YOU = THE UP SYSTEM UP® is a system that takes a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle. The band tracks your movement and sleep while the app displays your data allowing you to add things like meals and mood while delivering insights that help you know yourself so that you can live better.

I produce media which means that I spend a lot of time SITTING in front of my computer screen. WIth this app I set goals to get 10,000 steps and 8 hours of sleep a day. If it's 7 o clock at night and I have not met my step goal I can choose to call it quits and take a walk or play some Just Dance!

I combine those apps with MyFitnessPal is a free and easy nutrition and fitness system that helps anyone achieve good health. Our powerful tools get you fit...and keep you there. My Fitness Pal Syncs with Up. By midday I can quickly glance at my meal diary to see what vitamins and nutrients have been lacking from my day. Up puts the food in 3 cute categories: 1) All you can eat, 2)Don't overdo it, and 3)Pass on these. My Fitness Pal offers percentages. I can easily identify numbers in red signaling that I've surpassed the goal for that day. If it's a vitamin, then no big deal, but if it's sugar that shoots up a red flag! Consequently, for the remainder of the day when choosing what I eat I can say to myself, "You've had enough sugar" or "You need more protein"...

These apps allow me to have a guilt free vacation! Pretty soon I will have developed healthier habits by using a few free apps to know myself better. 

30 Days of Hustle Day 9: Hustler Unrest

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 9

Today Jon tells us to cut our coal in half, expecting "Hustler Unrest". He differentiates between be good goals and get better goals, advocating for the latter. Reducing the goal, according to Acuff, will propel you into April instead of failing and quitting. So what's half of double? I guess now I want to increase my Facebook followers by 50% instead of 100%!

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of a media production company. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

30 Days of Hustle Day 8: See Yourself

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle

Vision time! Even though I'm a creative person, vision boards never really helped me. I get my inspiration from within. Even when I shop. I imagine what I want and then go find it; this is why it takes me so long to shop for anything. I may go to the store and leave with nothing because they didn't sell what I had in my head.

All that to say, vision boards can't inspire me. By the time I find a picture of what I want to see, I will have wasted so much time. For people like me, Jon had this suggestion:

Write that article as if your goal already been realized. Think 100-250 words for length. 

ByJRochelle doubles its Facebook followers in 30 days by Cultivating Relationships!

Through her company, ByJRochelle, she seeks to help others get their message across. Unfortunately not many people knew about her company’s capabilities, so she set out to double her Facebook followers in 30 days, and she did! In addition to working in communication she consistently connects with people through service because she believes that if she can help, the she should help. Consequently she developed a strategy to get the word out about the media services offered through ByJRochelle so that she could help others tell the world about their services. We asked Jeanicia to share her strategy, but she says that her strategy may not work for others so she didn’t want to jade anyone’s perspective leading them to believe that if they do X then Y will happen. What she did say was important is that groups work. Whatever strategy that you decide to implement should involve as many people as possible. These people should be individuals who you plan on cultivating long-lasting relationships with because in the end good business  is all about good relationships.

This article is totally fictional and part of my 30 Day Hustle Assignment but you can help me make it a reality by clicking over to the ByJRochelle Facebook page and liking my company!

Here's my "Vision Board"
ByJRochelle Facebook Page

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of a media production company. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

30 Days of Hustle Day: 7

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 7

This day is all about WHO!  Jon says that having a helper makes it easier to accomplish a goal. This person will play the role of my accountability partner; he/she will call me on my excuses, celebrate my successes, and track progress with me! Jon warns against choosing a BFF or spouse to avoid undue pressure. So today I pick who.

I like the idea of picking a "who" but I don't know if there is a person other than a BFF or spouse who will care as much about my goal. I started my business 3 years ago and most of the "random" people in my life don't seem to care much about how things go with my company or me. I have one person in mind with whom I have been friends with since 2008.I hope that this will help!

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 6

Those these first few challenges focus on preparing for goals Jon made it clear that the hustle goes on! I constantly work on increasing the ByJRochelle Facebook page engagement and I started working on ways to specifically double my facebook followers on Day 1. These first few steps will help "refine the method". With that said, today we need to establish the WHERE!

Jon references a study by Peter Gollwitzer from the University of Konstanz, Germany, where researchers asked two groups of students to work on essays over the holiday break.  They instructed one group to write down when and where they would work on the essays. The other group received no instruction. At the end of the experiment, 32 percent of the students who did not make a plan failed. Twice as many who made a plan succeeded.

Jon wants us to specifically decide where to work on this goal. We need to say “My home office in the red chair" not simply "My home”. I'd tell you specifically where I will work, but I don't want to encourage stalkers! So until later!

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

30 Days of Hustle: Day 5

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 5
Today’s challenge is Macro and Micro goals.  Micro goals focus on what time and macro goals focus on what day. I generally make Macro goals all the time but I have never made micro goals for myself.  In true Jeniro-style, I'm creating a graphic calendar. Sure, writing it would be faster but my way is more fun.

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

30 Days of Hustle: Day 4

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 4
Today’s challenge is about fun. Jon is challenging us to add an element of fun to my goal. As much as I love fun, the Day 4 challenge really got me stuck. I googled "fun ways to increase facebook followers" while rendering a video for Escape From Poverty (because rendering seems endless). The top hit went to  4 Fun Ways to Improve Your Facebook Engagement  By Cas McCullough. He suggests 4 games to engage followers. I like the concept. I'll have to think of a game that will suit ByJRochelle and me! I'd like for the game to include pictures.

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

Monday, March 3, 2014

30 Days of Hustle: Day 3

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 3
"If you want to get something done, don’t just trust your hard work, trust your HOW work too."  Today’s assignment is to write down three answers to this question:  HOW will you accomplish your goal?" I won't share those answers here, but be sure to click here so that you can like the ByJRochelle Facebook page to experience the answers for yourself.

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of  

30 Days of Hustle: Day 1

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 1
A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle. I was introduced to Jon Acuff through a friend who fashioned her own "challenge", Dream JumpStart, based on his book Start.

I still don't know all the details but this is Day 1; this is actually day 3 I am only just realizing that he started sending e-mails so I'm playing catch up! I'm supposed write one personal goal and post it somewhere that I will see it. My plan is to post it on my social media because I look at my own pictures and blogs the most; I'm also a graphic designer so why not create something visually cool for my own goal right?

So here's my goal! Double the amount of  followers on my Business Page.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

30 Days of Hustle Day 2

Jeniro's 30 Days of Hustle
Day 2

On this day of Hustle, Jon wants us to "establish a "WHY" goal too.  He says that a "why goal" serves as the heart of the reason that I actually want to accomplish my goal. I want to double my Business Facebook followers so that I can reach more potential customers. I want to reach more potential customers so that I can increase my clientele. I want to increase my clientele so that I can grow my business. I want to contribute more financial means to my family through my business. My family=My husband (for now). When I told my husband my "what goal", he was impressed which gave me more motivation. I only told him the "double facebook followers" part.

Background: A week or so ago, I was flipping through Instagram ( Click here to follow me or my company) and I came across a post from Jon Acuff inviting his followers to the 30 Days of Hustle.  I am the owner and creative director of