Langston Hughes penned a poem that asked the question, “What happens to a dream deferred?” M. Hughes then proceeds to give a few options: a) dry up, b) fester, c)stink, d) sags, or e) explode. My deferred dream sagged then festered. It started to weigh me down back in 2007 and as of 2012 it’s festering. So, I recently asked a friend to mentor me because honestly, I got to a point in life where I gave up; for years I worked hard in all areas of my life but my dreams remained deferred so I figured that there was not point.
Like I said, I asked my friend to mentor me, this was Friday June 1. Now, I’m Christian and one thing I love about my relationship with God is that He always talks to me and when I make decisions he gives me confirmation. The very next Sunday, my pastor preached a sermon on “Not Settling for Good Enough”. I was more sure than ever that I was going in the right direction!
My new mentor is a relatively new friend who I work with. I told her that up to this point in my life I have done the “right thing” with no results and she is in a place that I would like to be. She works in my field, she’s a wife, and a mother. The most important reason that I chose her is because she is honest and meticulous. I know that she’d give me the feedback and support that I seek.
In preparation for our first “meeting” I googled questions to ask your mentor and I found a pretty awesome list. At the end, the author said this:
“Okay, are you ready? Here’s the fun part. It’s time to ask yourself these questions. And this is what this post is really about. I mean seriously, how can you justify asking anyone anything about who they are and how they think if you haven’t asked yourself the same questions? And arrived at some honest, introspective answers?”
I agree with that statement, so over the next few days I will answer these questions in my blog and also share my the progress with my new mentor. I’m looking forward to moving into the destiny that I’m supposed to live out! Until next time, I’m on the go!
- What qualities do you look for in the people you hang out with?
- If you wanted to encourage innovative ideas, how would you go about it?
- How would you describe your personal style?
- How do you give credit where credit is due?
- If you wanted to create an environment where motivation can thrive, what’s the first thing you would do?
- How do you show others that you believe in them?
- Who has influenced you the most?
- What do you do to challenge your underlying beliefs, paradigms and assumptions?
- What would you do differently if given the opportunity?
- When is breaking the rules okay?
- What does working ‘on’ your business mean to you?
- What does empowerment mean to you?
- How and where do you find inspiration?
- If you wanted to find the second best answer to a question or problem, what technique would you use?
- Why do you do what you do?
- How do you approach the unknown?
- How do you keep your feelings from clouding your decision-making?
- What’s the best way to keep your eye on future results?
- How do you bring courage and conviction to risky situations?
- What values are you committed to?
- What do you do to live a balanced life?
- What are 5 key books you feel I should read, and why?
- What dreams and goals inspired you to succeed?
-Jeniro is on the GO! Follow her @TheJRochelle
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