Sunday, July 17, 2016

Trouble is Transportation

Joel Osteen @ Lakewood Church

You may not understand it but God would't have allowed it if it wasn't going to help.

  • God is steadying you and making you stronger.

  • Trouble takes you to the next level.

  • Moses:
  • The Pharaoh decided to kill all of the mails. So many would say that he was born in the wrong place at the wrong time. But instead of accepting that, Moses' mom decided to send him in a basket on the river and he was raised among royalty.

  • Joel Osteen Plumbing Lawsuit
    • Joel sold some property that had plumbing problems and the new owners decided to sue him. Sending them through a painful legal process. Through this process he made a friend in his Lawyer. Years later that same lawyer helped him to acquire a television station that propelled the Lakewood Media ministry that's now able to reach the world!
  • Joseph: 
    • Steps were strategically orchestrated. If his brothers had never thrown him in the pit he wouldn't have been sold to Potiphar, Potiphar's wife would't have falsely accused him, he wouldn't have met the butler and the baker to interpret their dreams, the Pharaoh wouldn't have know that he could interpret dreams, and he wouldn't been 
    • Joseph's Brothers could not take his coat, but they couldn't take his calling.
  • They meant it for my harm but God used it for my good.
  • Victoria Arlin
    • "I wouldn't choose what happened to me but I wouldn't change it."
    • Victoria Arlen’s life drastically changed in 2006 at the tender age of eleven when she developed two rare conditions known as Transverse Myelitis and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. This was an incredibly rare scenario and Victoria quickly lost the ability to speak, eat, walk and move. She slipped into a vegetative state in which doctors had written her off as a lost cause. Victoria spent nearly four years “locked” inside her own body completely aware of what was going on just unable to move or communicate. Doctors believed there was little hope of survival and recovery was unlikely. Victoria, however was not ready to give up. In 2010 after almost four years she began the nearly impossible fight back to life.
      • Her family would play messages from Lakewood Church from her. She remembers hearing the message of hope and prayed that her family would receive a sign that was still alive until she was finally able to open her eyes!
      • Her mother noticed and asked her to blink as a response and she did.
      • When no one else could hear her, God could!
      • Extraordinary challenges lead to an extraordinary life!
    • Learning how to speak, eat and move all over again.Victoria went on to exceedingly defy the odds and not only recovered but has since become an accomplished Motivational Speaker, Actress, Model, and Swimmer. Her swimming resume includes three Silvers and a Gold medal from the London 2012 Paralympic Games as well as multiple World, American and Pan American Records.
    • In April 2015, Victoria made the transition from professional athlete to sportscaster and joined ESPN as one of the youngest on air talents hired by the company. Reporting for espnW, X Games and Sportscenter across all platforms. Victoria has become world famous not only for her story and accomplishments but for her message: “Face It, Embrace It, Defy It, Conquer It“.

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