Monday, February 5, 2018

Conversations Overheard: In Chick Fil A

So I'm in Chick Fil A overhearing the most ridiculous conversation. It started with 2 people angry about football players not standing for the national anthem and how disrespectful they feel that is. They say they watch football to get away from that crap and that they don't understand how football players are "allowed" to do that on their company time. The lady goes on about how people stopped watching football and they lost advertising which "serves them right". This somehow morphs into thoughts about the bakery that was sued for not making a cake for a gay couple, how WRONG that was because EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion, and how having your own opinion is what this country was founded on. They went on to agree that it was horrible to impact their livelihood over their personal opinion.

I'm over here thinking "so the personal opinion that they were having on their company time"?

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