Friday, March 4, 2016

Trump Supporters Want To Be Angry

This is one of the few times that I've participated in Trump discussion because I really feel like people who don't like him shouldn't share so much information about him...if any.
I don't think anyone knows why Trump supporters are angry but I think they just want to be angry. I know that sounds crazy. There are people who live in underfunded communities who don't really do anything to help the situation. I think a lot of them honestly don't know what can be done. These people who live in underfunded areas will say that the government doesn't do anything for them. However, many times these are the same people on government assistance. The same people who aren't using available resources.
Then there are people who are fine financially who say the same thing, that "government doesn't do anything for them" when they have everything that the aforementioned people are angry about not having. These people are also upset that the underfunded people are receiving their hard-earned tax dollars (in the form of government assistance).
Then you have people saying that "they are taking our jobs", jobs that they did not apply for. Immigrants make up around 13% of the population. I realize that that's over 30 million people but they can't possibly be taking all the jobs.
We humans are selfish and a lot of these angry people feel like no one is fighting for them. They think that people are in Washington DC collecting paychecks. A while back I shared a chart of what government spends money on and the majority of it goes to the Military. The things that people complain about represented a SMALL slither of the pie, but that's somehow too much and people still feel unsafe even though so much money is going to the Military.
Most government agencies publish the crime, financial, and other data. I've shown people actual numbers with references and they don't care. They just want to be upset.

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