The right to a trial by jury is a cherished right here in the United States and that means we the people have the responsibility to fulfill that right. This fact was explained in the jury assembly room by presiding judge, Barbara Hartle and reiterated in the courtroom by the prosecutung attorney.
After leaving the jury assembly room where they take care of a little house keeping, I was called to court. First, we went through voir dire. The judge had us to introduce ourselves and made sure none of us knew anyone in the room. The lawyers proceeded to ask us a few questions and then chose 6 of us to serve on the jury.
I was chosen! Being chosen awakened a little of my childhood excitement; eventhough it was only a speeding ticket I finally made my way to a crime story. Texas is one of the only states that criminalizes traffic offenses: traffic offenses are class C misdemeanors.
The trial started with opening statements. Then each side proceeded to present their case. We jurors sat listening to the questions, testimony, and objections! Once the case was done we received our instructions and headed to the jury deliberation room. We re-read the charges and proceeded to discuss the facts of the case. Oh, and guess who the presiding juror was! It was ME!!!! After careful deliberation we voted, I wrote our judgement, and headed back to the court where the judge read our decision.
I'm excited to have served for the first time and hope that I get the previlege again!
• It's really not that bad!
• The court has wifi so bring your smart phone or tablet PC
• Wear as few accesories as possible, you'll get through security screaning faster!
• Smile! So many go in with a bad attitude, you could change the climate.
• Bring snacks (and/or lunch!) They go on a lunch break at 12 no matter what!
• Take it seriously, you are helping to preserve an invaluable right.
-- Jeniro is on the go, catch up with her on Twiter @Orinej
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